Scheme Based Payment Period





Revenue And Disaster Management Department

Revenue Administration

Pending for Validation
S.No Scheme District Taluk Year and Month APB ACH Total
Count Amount Count Amount Count Amount
Pending for Approve Approving beneficiaries in progress: out of completed Data collection is ongoing
Select Paymet Date
Approve Bulk Approve
S.No Scheme Year Month Beneficiary Name Mobile No ACH / ABP Installment Amount Transcation Date Action
Payment Success
S.No Scheme Year Month Beneficiary Name Mobile No ACH / ABP Installment ID Amount Transcation Date Action
Payment Failed Rejected Reasons:
Select Paymet Date
S.No Scheme Year Month Beneficiary Name Mobile No ACH / ABP Installment Amount Payment Date Remarks Action
Payment In-Progress
S.No Scheme Year Month Beneficiary Name Mobile No ACH / ABP Installment Amount Transcation Date Action
Generate Payment File Payment File Generation is In-progress ...
Generate Payment File
S.No Scheme Year Month Beneficiary Name Mobile No ACH / ABP Installment Amount Transcation Date Action
Transfer Payment File to Bank Payment File Transfer to Bank is In-progress...
Transfer Payment File to Bank
S.No Scheme ACH / ABP Beneficiary Count Total Amount File Generate Date File Name
Payment for EMO
S.No Scheme Year Month Beneficiary Name Mobile No ACH / ABP Installment Amount Transcation Date Action